Desexing or Not at 6 months of age?
"To desex now, or to desex later, that is the question......."
Way back when, when we got our veterinary degrees, it was accepted wisdom, to desex dogs at 6 months of age.
(Ps. Good news - for cats it remains simpler, and we still advise desexing at 6 months of age)
Over the last couple of years, there has been growing research, that has challenged the accepted wisdom, and now depending on your type of dog, it is not just as simple as advising to desex/or not, at 6 months of age.
There are a number of things to take into consideration, for example Breed, Age and whether Male or Female.
There is conflicting information, and as a dog owner, we agree that this is a bit of a minefield, particulalrly if you decide to Google it.
That is why, at Currimundi Vets, we are here to help, to provide you with the information you need, to make the right decision for your pet.
We have decided, to allocate time, at approximately 6 months of age, to have a discussion with you about the best options for your pet. (For cats we also offer this, as a Free PreDesexing examination)
What's even better, is that this ties in the the important Heartworm Prevention injection, for dogs, due at 6 months of age.
There is NO charge, for this "Desexing now or later" appoinment.
At the end of the appointment, you will walk away, having made a clear decision, as to desex now or desex later.
Please phone Currimundi Vets on 5493 8222 or
go to/click on to book an appointment online at a time that suits you.
What does desexing mean:
Desexing or neutering your pet is a surgical procedure that prevents them from being able to reproduce. In male pets it is commonly referred to as “castration”, and in female pets as “speying”.This is the most frequent surgery performed by our vets, and generally your pet is home by the evening of surgery.
The most common age to desex your pet is between 4 and 6 months, however they are never too old to be desexed.
There are many benefits to desexing your pet before. They include:
- Preventing unwanted litters, which can be very costly, and may add to the already overwhelming number of stray animals that are put down each year
- Prevention of testicular cancer and prostate disease in males, and it can help prevent pyometra (infection of the uterus) and mammary tumours (breast cancer) in females
- Stopping the “heat” cycle in females
- Decreasing aggression towards humans and other animals, especially in males
- Being less prone to wander, especially in males
- Reduction of council registration fees